Professional Development for Teachers and School Leaders (2)

Enquire about PDQ Registrations


As part of our role as Cambridge Associates, we believe in supporting teachers and school leaders and providing them with the professional development they need along their career. We provide the following programs:

Professional Development Qualifications

Cambridge Professional Development Qualifications (Cambridge PDQs) are internationally accredited Professional Development programs for teachers & leaders.

PDQs are designed to enrich teaching and leadership at schools, by training teachers and leaders to develop their professional thinking and practice continuously throughout their career.

Emkan Education is an accredited professional development center from CAIE that is certified to offer the PDQ certificates in three areas:

  1. International Certificate in Teaching & Learning (ICTL)
  2. International Certificate in Teaching with Digital Technologies (ICTDT)
  3. International Certificate in Education Leadership (ICDL) – for Education leaders only

Our Achievements in PDQ

We started delivering the PDQ program in KSA starting 2017 and since then we have achieved the following:

  • Delivered the programs to more than 500 teachers (males & females) around KSA majority from MOE teachers
  • Presented the programs in 5 cities around KSA (Riyadh, Jeddah, Khobar, Qaseem, and Abha)
  • Our teachers achieved 90% passing rate
  • Collaborated with national entities in delivering the programs; such as TETCO, NDU, and Misk Foundation.
  • Delivered the programs in both English and Arabic language
  • Delivering the PDQs fully online and in Arabic with collaboration with Aanab Academy منصة أعناب: منصة التدريب الرقمي للمعلمين العرب Platform. Please visit their website for more information

Training Events for teachers

We provide training sessions for teachers in our associate schools throughout the academic year, based on their professional needs. In addition to the training courses provided by Cambridge here are some of the areas we cover in our training sessions:

  • Modern teaching strategies
  • Growth mindset
  • Classroom management
  • Effective use of technology in the classroom
  • Differentiated instruction
  • Be your students’ coach

Cambridge inquiry

  [email protected]

  (+966) 568156853

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